5 tips for strength training when it is hot

What to do when the weather is warm and you have a training session. 

  1. Hydrate Drink water before, during and after your training session. If the weather is warm we will be sweating more than usual so it is important to stay hydrated. If you know you are training, drink water throughout the day before training to ensure you start the session hydrated. 

  2. Modify When it is hot we may be more fatigued from poor sleep, dehydrated or more heat affected. If this is the case, it might be important to modify your program to reduce the intensity. Consistency is key so stick to your plan and still do the training session just modify it to make it more achievable. 

  3. Rest Adjust your rest breaks between sets - take an extra 30 to 60 seconds to give yourself time to adjust. Slowing down is okay. 

  4. Stop If you feel dizzy, nauseous, faint or unwell stop the exercise immediately. Sit down and cool off for a moment - then reassess if continuing training is appropriate. 

  5. Cool down Take the time at the end of your session to slow down, cool off and lower your heart rate. This might look like lying on the floor for 5 minutes doing some breathing exercises or stretching.


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